Indigo Children is a Delhi based band. It is primarily a solo studio recording project started by Sanchal Malhar, featuring a revolving extended line up for the live setting,which currently consists of Jaidev on guitar, Nikhil Rufus Raj on bass and Sahil Mendiratta on drums. The band has been a part of the Indian circuit since 2004 in different incarnations, first as Superfuzz, from 2004 to 2008, and then in the current setup from 2008 to present.
'Indigo Children', the name comes from the song of the same name by the band Puscifer. The reason the band was named thus has to do with a certain historical period in the Indian struggle for freedom known as the ‘Blue Mutiny' in Bengal in 1861, when the local farmers rebelled against the Zamindars and the government and refused to farm the indigo crop which they were made to grow by force for the sake of profit for European indigo planters.
The music is made to pray and party to. ‘We have them grooves, we got the bass lines, and plenty of sun-kissed fuzzy goodness’.
We like to think of it as surf music. Surf's up! |